Um pensamento diverso sobre a vida. ..Ah! se fossemos iguais o que seria? Quem pode ...quem pode ver alem?? ....alem do que cada um tem, eah nem todos podem ou querem ver, mais alem do que se vê é sentir, estar, modificar, enfim estabelecer dentro de si a melhor forma de ver."Layout" and then "Page Elements" section. Edit " About "

Second Dad

Actions ... and common sense 
I know. It's hard. It's crazy 
Rare events of everyday life always take us by surprise and then come despair and sadnessIt lacked a little of my affection?
If we had more confidence in ourselves
Or maybe if we prayed it would be better baby
As much as I really wanted to hate thoughtless things
in my ego, deep inside i knew i couldn't do this because
Dad I love you 
Believe ...
I understand, I understand everything now ...
Give me your hand 
It is strength!
It's wall 
It is the greatest good.

by:Digi Nanda

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1 comentários:

Camila Paier disse...

Uau, Nanda agora em inglês! Tá chique, hein amiga? Hahahahaha

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